Holiday Message from Neill
You better believe I’m going to wax poetic for the Neill Holiday 2020 message. After this hell of a year, it’s only proper to get in your feels to recognize and have reverence for the highs and huge lows these past months afforded.
In these last 10 months, each passing holiday has punctuated our current realities with building emphasis, underscoring just how quickly things can change and how fragile our time on earth is. In July we contemplated freedom in the midst of chaos. On Thanksgiving, we paused to consider how to extend thankfulness in a time of suffering. Today many of our families and friends celebrate Christmas but with a longing for "life before" and with anxious anticipation for next year.
This holiday may be painful for some, for others it could be the reunion they've so desperately been waiting for. Just like so much of 2020, today feels complicated. But despite it all, we can't help but feel deep gratitude that we've been weathering such a mighty storm alongside you. There are few greater honors than serving our beauty industry's owners, artists, teachers, and thought leaders while you continue to impact your communities by loving your teams, clients, and students so well. The hope we have in the future is not because of a vaccine or assistance program—it's because of your strength, grit, compassion, and fight.
As we move through the holiday season and enter into a new year, challenges will continue to change but our steadfast loyalty to helping you reach your full potential will remain the same. Wishing you a safe, peaceful, and happy holiday and New Year.
With Care,
Team Neill